Fallout from U.S. atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in New Mexico and Nevada (1945-1962)

Reconstruction of radionuclide deposition across the contiguous United States, for five days following detonation from all 94 atmospheric weapon tests detonated in New Mexico and Nevada with fission yields sufficient to generate mushroom clouds. Analysis also includes deposition estimates for 10 days following the detonation of Trinity, the first ever nuclear weapon test, on July 16, 1945.

Map showing radionuclide deposition density from the Trinity nuclear weapon test 10 days after detonation with a legend spanning 10 to 10 trillion becquerels per square meter

Estimated total radionuclide deposition density from the Trinity nuclear weapon test 10 days after detonation

Preprint of this scientific study was released July 20, 2023 and has been submitted for formal peer review.